Activity presentation


Biology at the CHU of Poitiers consists in :


  Data bases for biological examinations


Unit manager: Dr Patrick Mura
Health care manager: Florence Mauvignier

Technical direction of the laboratories
Technical director of the laboratories: Michel Sorel

Activity description

  • preparation of the marketing procedures pertaining to the acquisition of reagents and consumables addressed to the different laboratories (biospharm and other centers)
  • ordering reagents and consumables
  • processing of invoices (until settlement) for the reagents and laboratory and analysis consumables sent outside the CHU of Poitiers
  • preparation of the requirement specifications (cahiers des charges) and choice of biology-related investments for the CHU in coordination with the other concerned parties
  • preparation of the culture mediums and common washing facilities.

RCP<br /> Centralized reception of samples: (RCP)

Medical person in charge: Dr Nathalie Dupuis
Health care manager:  Sylvie Querrioux

Description de l’activité

  • réception des prélèvements,
  • enregistrement des demandes et vérification de la conformité des échantillons,
  • traitement pré-analytique des échantillons : centrifugation, décantation et aliquotage,
  • distribution des échantillons pré-traités dans les différents laboratoires en charge des étapes analytiques,
  • édition, mise sous plis et expédition des résultats,
  • gestion des prélèvements envoyés à l’extérieur du CHU,
  • gestion des secrétariats des laboratoires.

Magasin pôle biospharm
Directeur technique des laboratoires : Michel SOREL
Référents logistiques : Stéphane POPILU, Jean-Luc COADOU

Activity description

  • reception of samples,
  • registration of requests and verification of sample conformity,
  • pre-analytic treatment of the samples: centrifugation, decantation and aliquoting,
  • distribution of the pre-treated samples in the different laboratories in charge of the analytic steps and stages,
  • issuance, enveloping and sending of the results,
  • management of the samples sent outside the CHU,
  • management of the laboratory secretariats.

Biospharm center store 
Technical director of the laboratories: Michel SOREL
Logistical referents: Stéphane POPILU, Jean-Luc COADOU

Activity description

  • management of the laboratory equipment store  (biology consumables stocked at room temperature at least 2 UF from the center ),
  • distribution of the consumables in the laboratories using an empty/full system,
    • distribution of  different maintenance products, of waste disposal containers, of office consumables and of miscellaneous consumables to the biology center using an empty-full system.

Collection center
Medical person in charge: Dr Nathalie Dupuis
Health care manager: Sylvie Querrioux

Activity description

Open Monday through Friday from 7 A.M. to 5:15 P.M., without appointment, ground floor of Jean-Bernard tower, corridor A2); blood and urine sample collection, ECG.


Unit head: Pr Gérard MAUCO
Health care manager: Natalie Charpentier

Biochemistry laboratory 
General and emergency biochemistry medical unit 

Diagnosis and follow-up

General and emergency biochemistry on integrated Roche robotic sample handler: pre-analytic robot connected to two chains bringing together 8 biochemistry and immunoassay robots (123 parameters on line, more than 3800 possible tests/hour, average time for obtaining the results lower than 60 min, not counting emergency procedures).

Research activity

Biology of organ conservation in association with Inserm U1082, ischemia-reperfusion in organ transplantation.


Medical unit of specialized biochemistry 

Diagnosis and follow-up

Metal assay by atomic absorption, suspicion of trisomy 21, of open neural tube defects,, catecholamines, HbA1C …


See the cancer biology page.


Person in charge: Pr Laurent MACCHI
Health care manager: Florence MARÉCHAL

Biological hematology laboratory 

Diagnosis and follow-up


Examinations performed: hemograms, myelograms, phenotyping by flow cytometry, caryotypes, routine and specialized hemostasis tests, biological diagnosis and follow-up of malignant hemopathies (AML, CML, CLL, MPS/MDS, Myeloma) and hereditary or non-hereditary hemostasis pathologies as well as immunophenotypic monitoring of HIV carriers.

The department also monitors the hematological quality (CD34, CFU-C) of autologous and allogenic grafts, especially cord blood grafts.

The associated CNU: hematology (4701).

Participation in the activities of the cooperating groups France Intergroupe LMC, Goelams, GEHT, GET HUGO and COMETH.

Research activities

Research projects are buttressed by those of INSERM unit U935 (formerly EA3805), which was recently labeled (on its site in Poitiers) with the title “Malignant and therapeutic stem cells”. In basic and translational research , the unit is specialized in the study of malignant stem cells in two pathologies: chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and glioblastoma.


The team studies the mechanisms of genetic instability in the leukemic stem cells at the origin of resistances in mouse and human stem cell models. It also explores the mechanisms of anti-CML anti-leukemia immunity.  In collaboration with CIC INSERM 802, it is developing new tests for detection and quantification of leukemic stem cells in patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. With regard to glioblastomas, techniques for isolation and quantification of tumor-initiating cells are being developed, as are techniques for targeting these cells with new drugs (collaboration with the neurosurgery, medical oncology, radiotherapy and pathological anatomy departments…).

As concerns the modeling of future cell therapies, the unit is developing experimental models using cell programming techniques, particularly in transversal programs (collaboration with INSERM U1082, Inra, CIC 802) and in collaboration with the pluripotent stem cell platform of Université Paris Sud 11.

The projects are supported by: phRC, STIC, Ligue, Fondation contre la leucémie, ARC, CGO, région Poitou Charentes, association Sport et Collection.
Reception team 3805 labeled Inserm
CHU Magazine n°60 – June 2010

Actu bio



Department head: Pr Jean-Claude LECRON
Health care manager: Natalie CHARPENTIER

Inflammation, allergy and cytokine laboratory 

Diagnosis and follow-up

  • specialized examinations at the Biochemistry / Immunology interface:
  • electrophoresis (serum, urine, CRL, Hb)
  • quantitative assay of inflammatory proteins, immunoglobulins, complement, cytokines and protein deposits
  • functional exploration of the complement
  • allergy exploration  (specific IgE antibodies and mediators)

Research activities

Research activity in direct connection with the Litec (university laboratory specialized in inflammation, epithelial tissues and cytokines) EA 4331: Project centered on the study of: 1) the mechanisms inducing tissue inflammation (cytokines, bacteria); 2) the interaction of inflammatory cells with attacked tissues; 3) tissue repair; 4) regulation of these different mechanisms by cytokines.
Immunology laboratory 

Diagnosis and follow-up

Activities pertain mainly to the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases, lymphoproliferative disorders (myeloma, Waldenstrom’s disease, chronic lymphocitic leukemia) or infectious processes:

  • Screening of monoclonal immunoglobulins that is essential to the diagnosis and monitoring of  lymphoproliferative syndromes. Immunoelectrophoresis, immunofixation and immunoblot of serum and urines. This activity is associated with that of the reference center for rare diseases and deposition diseases  (amylosis, Randall’s disease, etc).
  • Detection and determination of antibody specificities in a number of autoimmune diseases by indirect immunofluorescence, ELISA, immunodot.
  • Assessment of in vitro anti-mycobacterial T-response by tests studying the production of IFN-g in response to stimulation by the highly specific antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis; tuberculosis diagnosis tests. These tests shall be replacing the tuberculin skin test.

Research activities

The laboratory’s research activities are buttressed by those of Inserm UMR 935: “Leukemic and therapeutic stem cells”. The research themes revolve around the pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), the study of normal stem cells and control of the disease by the immune system.


Head of the center: Dr Patrick MURA
Health care manager: Natalie CHARPENTIER

Toxicology and pharmacokinetics laboratory 
Medical toxicology  unit 


Diagnosis and follow-up

Clinical toxicology (medication, drugs, other toxic substances), legal (narcotics and road safety, forensic examinations) and environmental centers of interest. Toxicovigilance in association with the pharmacodependency center of information and evaluation  (C.E.I.P.) of Poitiers.

Research activities

Metabolism of narcotics, particularly cannabis. Implication of narcotics in road accidents and workplace accidents. Performance of drug screening tests.

Medical pharmacokinetics unit 

Diagnosis and follow-up

Drug dosage and therapeutic follow-up .

Research activities

In association with Inserm ERI23 (Pr William COUET, Dr Sandrine MARCHAND), pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics of antibiotics and antifungals; pharmacogenetics in association with the clinical pharmacology and vigilance department.

Pharmacology: The ramped-up activities of the ERI 23 Inserm team
CHU Magazine n° 60 – June 2010

actu bio


Department head: Pr M.Christine PERAULT-POCHAT
Health care manager: Natalie CHARPENTIER

Clinical pharmacology and hemovigilance 

Diagnosis and follow-up

Transfusion safety, hemovigilance and biovigilance
In association with the EFS (the French blood establishment), the hemovigilance cell ensures transfusion safety (coverage of needs, safety of blood products from donor to recipient, traceability). As for hemovigilance (set up in 1996), it is a monitoring system that records and analyzes any incidents occurring during or following a transfusion, and institutes corrective measures.  The incidents are centralized by the AFSSAPS (French agency for sanitary safety of health products).
Biovigilance is a surveillance system for organ and tissue grafts; incidents are centralized by the agency of biomedicine and the AFSSAPS.

The hemovigilance unit formalizes the actions undertaken by the CSTH (transfusion and hemovigilance safety committee); it works in close association with the “health care quality and safety” commission.

Research activities

The hemovigilance cell conducts epidemiological studies focused in the qualitative aspects of transfusion procedures and indications for transfusion.


Under construction



Department head: Pr Christophe BURUCOA
Health care manager: Danièle PELLETIER

Bacteriology laboratory 
General and emergency bacteriology 

Diagnosis and follow-up

This functional unit continuously provides the bacteriology tests prescribed for hospitalized or external patients.
It is included in the university discipline known as “bacteriology-virology-hygiene”.

Research activities

Its research activity is included in that of the EA 4331 Litec.
Molecular bacteriology 

Research activities (further details)

Tubes 2

This functional unit (FU) provides diagnoses and molecular typing of bacterial strains that are difficult to culture or identify. Its task consists in putting into place for diagnostic purposes the molecular bacteriology techniques developed in the department.

Hospital hygiene

Diagnosis and follow-up

This functional unit provides surveillance of hospital-acquired infections, investigation of hospital outbreaks (in association with the FU “molecular bacteriology”), initial and continuous hygiene training for the hospital staff, monitoring of the environment and the general hygiene of the establishment and prevention of infectious risks. Two practitioners from the unit provide supervision of hygiene facilities in the different public establishments of the Vienne department.


Department head: Pr Gérard AGIUS
Health care manager: Danièle PELLETIER-CLEMENT

Virology and mycobacteriology laboratory 


Diagnosis and follow-up

The virology medical unit (MU) includes 3 activity sectors; cellular virology, molecular virology and immunoserology; taken together, they ensure diagnosis, therapeutic monitoring and epidemiological surveillance of viral diseases.


Molecular virology, which enables detection and quantification of viral genomes as well as genotyping and characterization of the mutations resisting antiviral treatments, has undergone pronounced development over recent years, and now constitutes one of the laboratory’s major activities.

The department is certified for antenatal diagnosis and detection of the influenza viruses necessitating level 3 biological safety, and it coordinates diagnosis of influenza and respiratory infections for the Poitou-Charentes region in the “flu infection observation group”(GROG).

The department constitutes a reference center in virology. It benefits from strong regional attractiveness, with close to 30% of requests coming from outside.

Research activities

The group is focused on the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection implicated in some cancers (cervical, anal, oropharyngeal).


Diagnosis and follow-up

The mycobaceteriology medical unit provides diagnosis, therapeutic monitoring and epidemiological surveillance of mycobacterial infections (+ anti-tuberculosis drug resistance), chlamydia infection, mycoplasms and rickettsial infection.

In accordance with legislation, the department is equipped with a level 3 biological safety laboratory and constitutes a mycobacteriology reference center on a regional level.


Department head: Pr Marie-Hélène RODIER
Health care manager: Danièle PELLETIER-CLEMENT

Parasitology and medical mycology laboratory 


Diagnosis and follow-up

  • mycology sector: culture and identification of yeast and filamentous fungi (biological safety level 3), fungal serology (search for circulating antigens and antibodies), molecular biology
  • parasitology sector: identification and culture of parasites, parasite serology, molecular biology
  • hospital hygiene sector; surveillance of hospital-acquired infections

Activité de recherche

  • Pr Rodier and Pr Imbert (pharmacy) are members of the UMR CNRS 7267 team: « Ecology and biology of interactions ».

Main research themes

  • Interactions free-living amoeba – microorganisms: implication of amoeba in the survival of certain pathogenic organisms in water networks
  • Candida biofilms: prophylactic and therapeutic approaches of the candidiases (fungal infections) associated with implanted medical devices; fungal biofilms in dental units
  • Degradation of the endocrine disruptors by water-borne micro-organisms.