Medical equipment and innovations

Pre-analytic and analytic platform

RCPSince January 2006, most of the CHU laboratories have been grouped together in a new building. The biology sectors are organized on two floors: The 1st floor hosts the centralized sample reception service  (RCP), biochemistry, toxicology,  pharmacokinetics, hematology, cancer biology, immunology and inflammation. The 2nd floor hosts bacteriology and hygiene, parasitology and mycology, virology and mycobacteriology, shared washing facilities and the technical direction of the laboratories.

Pneumatic circuits have been set up so as to convey samples from the care services to the RCP.
Since June 2005, all of the laboratories have used a shared digital laboratory system (DLS), Lims (Glims from MIPS, in French).

The technical biology platform of the Poitiers CHU is equipped with a centralized sample reception service (RCP) for all the laboratories and is also equipped with an integrated pre-analytic and analytic platform permitting reception and management of all the tubes arriving in the laboratories.

Two major objectives of the configuration chosen for the pre-analytic and analytic platform have conditioned its success:

  • Automatization of all the pre-analytic steps, that is to say the reduction in time and the standardization of all the pre-analytic steps, thereby maximally limiting human intervention in repetitive and non-valorizing tasks. Automatization also means: preparing for on-line prescription, securing data, improving traceability, cutting back and reassigning staff to new activities;
  • Consolidation of as many parameters as possible on a single platform so as to reduce costs (in reagents and consumables) and staff and to optimize the time required to obtain results by more rapid absorption of activity peaks.

RCP<br />

The Riche solution was adopted, with a RSD document organizer and a complete MPA (mini-protocol analyzer) configuration including  centrifugation, aliquoting, capping, and storage; it is connected in “Y” by two conveyor rails to two Modular chains  (modular PPE and  PPEE). Analytical consolidation includes the parameters of biochemistry, immuno-analysis, toxicology, pharmacology and infectious serology — all in all, a hundred parameters.

The technical platform now ensures management of all the tubes arriving in the laboratory: 2500 dossiers/day, approximately 3200 tubes.

It is currently on the way to total automatization through computerized and connected prescription of laboratory procedures. The CYBERLAB application of  MIPS has been selected.



A liquid chromatography chain coupled with a mass spectrometry system. Over the past few years, their functioning in tandem has become the reference for numerous analyses in the fields of biochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology.  In the Poitiers university hospital center this equipment is – or will be – devoted to routine analysis of immunosuppressors and to widespread screening of toxic elements or substances (narcotics, drugs, pesticides…) in the biological media (blood, urine, hair).