Equipment and medical innovation


Associated with the hospitalization units, the technical neurology platform contains:

  • an electro-enchephalography unit for exploration of losses of consciousness, malaises, epilepsies;
  • an electromyography unit for study of damage to the peripheral nerves, of muscle diseases at the neuromuscular junction, and of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease);
  • a doppler echography unit specifically dedicated to exploration of the cervical blood vessels oxygenating the brain and of the intracranial blood vessels and research on the causes of ischemic stroke, of transitory ischemic attacks and of other vascular pathologies;
  • a transcranial magnetic stimulation unit for treatment of chronic pain not responding to usual treatment, of certain psychiatric pathologies, of tinnitus, and for exploration of motor pathway control systems.


The language reeducation neuropsychology unit is associated with hospitalization  units.

It is composed of speech therapists, neuropsychologists, a manager  and four doctors.

It is closely associated with the resource and research memory center.

The neuropsychology and language reeducation unit is tasked with both diagnosis and treatment. Diagnosis is essentially focused on the memory disorders facilitating differentiation of so-called “benign” memory problems from those justifying a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or related pathologies. This is often difficult and it is up to a multidisciplinary experimental team to give a diagnosis.

In addition to facilitating diagnosis, memory-centered consultations pave the way for partnership with the doctor drawing up a program of care and assistance addressed to a given patient.

The neuropsychology and language reeducation unit is also tasked with reeducative treatment of the language disorders (aphasia) encountered principally following strokes; it also provides treatment for memory disorders and other neuropsychological problems, and is specialized in the treatment of childhood dyslexia and dyspraxia.

Last but not least, the unit includes an area for consultations in general neurology or expert appraisals dedicated to specific pathologies: Parkinson’s disease, migraines and headaches, epilepsy, sleep disorders, strokes, multiple sclerosis, behavioral and memory disorders, botulinum toxin injection.